Categories: General Dentist

A General Dentist Shares 4 Preventive Oral Hygiene Tips

Your general dentist will always emphasize the importance of oral health. Read on to learn about how preventive oral hygiene helps maintain good overall health. Many illnesses manifest themselves more visibly through the mouth. As a result, it is crucial to maintain oral health through oral hygiene and prevent dental issues.

4 Preventive oral hygiene tips from a general dentist

The following are some preventive oral hygiene tips from a general dentist which should be put into practice every day to keep the mouth healthy:

1. Brushing regularly

Brushing the teeth regularly is the most crucial part of good oral hygiene. This means brushing at least twice a day, in the morning and before going to sleep at night. It is advisable to use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid gum injury and tooth abrasion.

The brushing process should also include scrubbing the tongue as it will help clean off germs that have accumulated on it. It is also important to remember that the brush should be held at a 45-degree angle and rubbed circularly when brushing. Finish off by rinsing the mouth completely with clean water.

2. Floss correctly

Brushing the teeth is crucial for maintaining excellent dental health, but it does not clean every leftover food particle. Flossing is critical in this case because it removes all of the tiny food particles from the teeth. Since brushing alone cannot cover all of the mouth areas, especially the crevices and between the teeth, flossing and gargling with clean water is essential in order to clear the mouth of all little food particles.

3. Reduce consumption of tobacco, soda, and sweets

Smoking is harmful to one's oral health since it causes teeth to decay at a much quicker pace. Tobacco use increases plaque occurrence in the mouth and weakens the teeth significantly.

It may seem enjoyable to consume cold beverages with high sugar content. However, it wreaks havoc on the teeth. The soda's citric and phosphoric acids deposit on the teeth, causing cavities over time.

Sugar found in various foods is another component that might harm the teeth. As a precaution, patients should check the sugar content in any food before consuming it.

4. Dental check-ups are still important

Develop a strong relationship with a dental professional for better oral health. Visiting the general dentist regularly ensures that any dental issues may be identified and treated early on. According to dental professionals, patients should have a dental exam and cleaning at least twice a year. The dentist will use the chance to recommended patient-specific oral health tips.

The bottom line

The above are some essential tips for ensuring excellent dental hygiene. Simply following a few easy procedures daily can be beneficial in maintaining good oral health and preventing oral issues. It is a lot easier to prevent oral problems than to treat them. If you discover any unusual signs in your mouth, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with a dentist.

Request an appointment here: or call Jim Dimitri Grammas DDS at (714) 202-0412 for an appointment in our Orange office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Orange, CA.

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Jim Dimitri Grammas DDS

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