How Early Should Your Child See a Kid Friendly Dentist?

Kid Friendly Dentist Orange, CA

Kid-friendly dentists encourage parents to schedule their child’s first dental visit before the first birthday. This serves as an opportunity to educate the parent on how to care for their child’s oral health at home and to get a head start on assessing the child’s future oral care needs. 

A review of the first visit with a kid-friendly dentist

This review discusses when to schedule a child’s first dental visit, the purpose of the visit, and what typically takes place. Of course, every kid-friendly dentist is unique, and each visit is personalized based on the child’s age and specific oral health concerns. However, having a general understanding of what takes place during the visit is helpful. 

When to schedule a child’s first dental visit

Parents should schedule a visit with a kid-friendly dentist by their child’s first birthday or within six months of the first baby tooth’s appearance, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). It is okay if a child is older than one and has not yet visited the dentist, although doing so as soon as possible is strongly encouraged. 

The purpose of the first dental visit for children

The purpose of the first dental visit for young children is for the kid-friendly dentist to get a sense of the child’s teeth development and to answer any questions the parents may have. Parents can use the appointment as an opportunity to learn what to expect when the first teeth start to come through. They may offer advice on the teething stages and when the child needs to come back in for another visit. 

What to expect during the first dental visit

The first dental visit is a calm and non-invasive process. The kid-friendly dentist can start with a brief chat with the parents. They also conduct an oral examination, which involves having a look at the child’s mouth to see if there are any potential concerns. Additionally, x-rays may be required. This is also non-invasive and gives the dentist a better look at the things they cannot see through an oral examination. Of course, the dentist can also answer any questions the parent(s) have. 

Caring for a child’s oral health at home

The kid-friendly dentist can provide instructions on how to care for the child’s oral health at home between visits. There is not a lot to do until teeth begin to come through, but it is still important for parents to track the progress of their child’s teeth development and let the dentist know if there are any complications. 

Contact our team to learn more about early dental care

Parents can reach our dental team by phone to learn more about when to schedule a child’s first dental visit. On the initial call, we can answer questions and arrange a convenient time for you to meet with our team for a visit.

Request an appointment here: or call Jim Dimitri Grammas DDS at (714) 202-0412 for an appointment in our Orange office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Kid Friendly Dentist in Orange, CA.

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